Devices Analysis Widget Support

Devices Analysis Widget
Analysis, Dashboard, Widgets

How can I place analytics on my dashboard?

Analyses in WeASSIST are based on the categories and attributes you create. Using this widget, you can visualize analytics for individual devices for your defined categories.

Add Devices Analysis Widget

The device analysis widget allows you to visualize at a glance the duration or frequency of certain attributes of a category of a selected signal tower.

Add Devices Analysis Wdiget WeASSIST 2

First, select the desired device and category you want to place as an analysis on your dashboard. Next, you need to determine whether you want to analyze the duration of a feature (How long was a particular feature on?) or the frequency (How often was a particular feature on?) and over what time period.

Select Time Range Devices Analysis Widget

Here you can select predefined time periods in the range of hours, days, weeks, months or years. You also have the option to choose your own defined time period.

Select Diagram Type WeASSIST

You can display your analysis either as a bar chart or a pie chart. Since for example in the category states also a state like "Not connected" can be reported back by the system, we have created the possibility to hide these system attributes. This helps you to focus on the essential attributes.

To finish the configuration of the widget, set the update period. By default this is set to one hour, but you can freely configure the update interval.

Example Widgets WeASSIST

Tip: A bar chart tends to be more suitable for displaying a frequency. If you want to compare different machines/workstations with each other, creating a device analysis offers more possibilities for you.

If required, certain attributes can be hidden by clicking below the diagram.