Incidents Widget Support

Incidents Widget
Causes, Dashboard, Incidents, Widgets

How do I create incidents and keep track of their processing?

The Incidents widget serves the purpose of a digital clipboard for acute issues that you want to document and work through. Incidents are to be named by you and their causes are already created in advance. This context is described in more detail in the article "Incidents and causes".

Add Incidents Widget WeASSIST

When creating the widget, there is nothing special for you to configure. Once the widget has been placed on the dashboard by you in an appropriate size, you can create new incidents using the + icon.

Create Incident Widget WeASSIST

Here you give the incident a name or describe the type of incident. Then select which device is affected in this incident.

By default, the start of the incident is defined as the time at which you clicked the + sign. However, you can change this individually. If the incident is in the past and has already been resolved, you can directly define the end of the incident here.

Choose causes for incidents WeASSIST

In the lower area of the dialog, you can directly store causes from your configuration or create a new cause if it does not exist yet.

Edit Incident Widget - WeASSIST

If the end time of the incident has not yet been determined, this field can be left blank and will be set automatically when the incident is called later by acknowledging the incident.

Tip: You should assign a sufficient size to the widget so that there is enough space for the incident information, even if there are multiple incidents.