Create and manage categories and attributes Support

Create and manage categories and attributes
Attributes, Categories, Device-configuration, Getting-Started

How do I create categories and characteristics to perform analyses with?

To interpret and analyze the signals you receive from the signal tower, you need to create categories and attributes. The category you create can then be analyzed using the subordinate attributes. You can create as many categories in the system as you want and in turn provide them with as many attributes as you need for your work.

Category A

  • Attribute A1
  • Attribute A2
  • ...

Category B

  • Attribute B1
  • Attribute B2
  • ...

You can find concrete examples at the end of the article.

To create your categories and attributes, proceed as follows:

Go to the category page "Administration à Categories and Attributes" and click on the "+".

In the window that opens after that, you can name the category and add attributes, by clicking on "+". The color you choose will be the color in which the attribute will be displayed in the diagrams.
When you have created your attributes, click on Save and you will have created your category. You can also add or remove attributes later by editing the category.

Examples of categories and attributes:

If you want to analyze the status of the signal towers, create a category "Status" and create the attributes:

  • Operational
  • Warning
  • Malfunction
  • ...

If you want to analyze the productivity of the signal towers, create a category "Productivity" and create the attributes[1]:

  • Productive
  • Not productive
  • ...

If you want to analyze materials requested at a packing station, create a category "Material" and create the attributes:

  • Cardboard
  • Filler material
  • Adhesive tape
  • ...


  • Think in advance what you want to analyze with WeASSIST and design your categories.
  • If you are missing categories and attributes when assigning attributes to light patterns, you can also create them directly when assigning them. See the article Assigning attributes to light patterns.